Buy A Dwarf Goat
at The Seven Oaks Ranch
Looking to buy a dwarf goat? We have exactly what you’re looking for here at The Seven Oaks Ranch! Our Nigerian Dwarf Goats are extremely lovable and gentle goats that offer a delightful source of rich milk.
They are an ideal addition for those of you seeking sustainable farm-to-table practices. Whether you're a novice or an experienced farmer, our Nigerian Dwarf goats promise a rewarding and practical investment in sustainable agriculture.
Dwarf goats first evolved in West and Central Africa, mainly in the coastal countries with humid climates. Known originally as the “West African Dwarf Goat”, the local types vary widely in size, body proportions, and coat colors. Their main virtue for African villagers was the ability to thrive and produce in fly-infested conditions, providing milk and meat to rural smallholders.
The American Goat Society opened a herdbook in 1984 to register goats of the agreed type as Nigerian Dwarf, and the breed was first shown in Texas in 1985. Nigerian dwarf goats are now typically raised as companion animals and for their milk, which is sweet tasting and high in butterfat. We have several goats here at The Seven Oaks Ranch.
We are located in Martin County and have multiple types of livestock available for purchase.
To find out more about how to buy a dwarf goat from The Seven Oaks Ranch, please contact us today at 772-776-3276, or please use our online contact form.
You may also sign up on our waitlist for any specific kind of livestock and we will reach out when each one selected is available.